Metron Support Auto-Renewal Signup Form

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

By clicking "Submit Signup Form",  I understand that I have agreed to an automatic annual renewal for Metron Support Services.  Each year I will receive a 45-day notice regarding auto renewal including the duration of agreement and the price I will be charged for support.  If I choose to change my annual agreement for the next year, I must provide a 30-day written notice prior to the expiration of the current Metron Support Services.  It is my responsibility to keep my credit card information up-to-date with SharpLogixx, LLC.


I also agree to the Terms/Conditions outlined on the Metron Support Services Terms and Conditions Page.


Once you have returned this signup form, we will contact you to obtain your credit card information and answer any questions you may have!


Thank you.


Questions or only want to choose the Support Loyalty Discount??

Give us a call at  1-877-638-3868       We are happy to help!

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