How-To Documents: Communications with Metron

Auto-Import Images into Metron

Here is an easy way to import digital photographs into your Metron database. Especially useful for dental practices, once imported these photographs can be used in your dental reports and dental forms.


How To Set Up Email in Metron

Let's get you set up to email Metron images! Metron relies on a third party email program to send email.  We recommend using Mozilla Thunderbird. After setup completion, any future emails you wish to send from Metron can be sent by using the "Send" button.


E-Mailing X-Ray Scans in Metron

One of the easiest ways to share your X-Ray scans with fellow veterinarians, radiologists, specialists, and clients is to utilize Metron’s built-in “Send E-Mail” feature.


Metron Auto-Import from Dropbox

Metron can be configured to auto-import images from Dropbox direct to a Metron study. Step-by-step instructions for installing the Dropbox PC Client on the computer that stores your Metron images. Details also provided for installing the Dropbox app on IOS for iPads and iPhones. 


E-mail DICOM images using Dropbox

A DICOM file is a combination of patient data and high fidelity image that is often too big to e-mail as an attachment.  Metron offers the option to export one or more images to the DICOM format.  After export you can share with colleagues, referral practices, etc. via Internet cloud folders like Dropbox.


Metron Export to Android/Google Drive

Metron can be set up to auto-export .jpg images of all Metron-acquired X-Rays to a Google Drive folder. All you need is a Gmail/Google account! This document will show you how to create a Google account if needed, plus the steps to sync your Metron images to this Cloud storage configuration.


Google Drive and Metron Setup for Multi-Site Clinics

Your clinic may have more than one physical location/site and each produces radiographs.  You want an easy way to view existing radiographs of site 1 while you are at site 2.  While on a trip gain access to all images from both sites.  Install and configure Google Drive on your Metron acquisition PCs.


How to use the Metron Web-Viewer

This asset utilizes the Internet "Cloud" to distribute and share images with those who you share a valid user ID...such as a referral clinic or patient owner. 


Metron Web-Viewer, Android & More

The document contains detailed steps to send Metron Image files to the Metron Web-Viewer to display on your Chromebook, Windows tablet or any Android device (including your phone). Note: If you are using a phone to display images, it must have an Android OS System.


iPad iPhone

Apple TV and iOS Device AirPlay Mirroring Setup

You can use AirPlay Mirroring to mirror exactly what’s on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to your HDTV via Apple TV.


How to Declare a Metron Database

Steps detailing how to add an existing database from one computer to another so the images can be viewed and utilized at multiple locations. 


Save by Rule for Exporting Images

In the Metron Database Browser, the “Export” button can be used to export (save) one or more images to the disk. A “Rule” can be specified to instruct Metron how to name the images and the folders that they are stored into.


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