How-To Documents: DICOM

DICOM has become the standard in multi-computer and multi-location veterinary diagnostic image sharing.  The documents below detail specific DICOM how-to capabilities. Click the guides below you would like to reference.


How to Import Images into Metron from Another Source

This guide will show the user how to import DICOM & JPEG/TIFF Images from an external source such as a CD/DVD or USB Flash Drive.


DICOM Conformance Statement

This conformance statement specifies the compliance of EponaTech’s Metron family of software products to the DICOM standard Version 3.0.


DICOM Support in Metron

This document details the Metron Software support of DICOM standards.


DICOM Print in Metron

DICOM Print can be used to print between 1 and 12 images per page in a “fit to page” style format. 


DICOM & Integration

Every veterinary practice these days will have an active Practice Information Management Software (PIMS) program.   The PIMS is responsible for invoicing, medical records, and client communications. 


Submit to the Keeneland Repository from Metron

Metron can be used to create CDs or DVDs containing DICOM images in the format required by the Keeneland Repository 


Configure Metron for Fasig-Tipton

Steps demonstrating how to set up Metron to label images for Fasig-Tipton purposes.


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