Learning Center for Medical Imaging | Getting Started



You have just made two great decisions!  Metron Imaging software is a leader in the industry producing the best-in-class digital images. You will soon be shooting images improving image diagnostics benefiting you and your patients. Improved diagnostics equates to better patient care.


And the second great decision? You made the move to get started with easy-to-read documents and online training sessions available to you now and whenever you need a refresher course. 


So let's get going with your training sessions!


The training sessions below have been updated to reflect the features of Metron-MD 7.20!

The Metron Study List

Administrator Log In and Set Up

User names and privileges are entered at the time of set-up and can be edited at any time by the person designated as the administrator. Review this training session to learn more about these initial steps to "personalizing" your Metron software.

The Metron Study List

User Preferences

The Metron Study List can be personalized for your practice. Discuss appearance preferences with the team members using this Metron system. Features are "sticky" to your Metron set-up, yet can be edited anytime based on overall practice preference.

The Metron Study List

Create a New Study

This training session will show you how to create a new study for new and existing patients.

The Metron Study List

Study Search and Filter Options

The Metron Study List is your base starting point for all software functions. This training session will explain different ways to search for details within the Metron Study List including date and DICOM tag filter options.

The Metron Study List

Acquiring New Images

Now that you know how to create new studies in the Metron Study List, your next step is to acquire new images into these studies. This training session will walk you through the steps.

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