Sharing Images Using The Web Viewer


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The Metron Web Viewer supports sharing X-Rays with your clients and

colleagues, regardless of your location.


Use various web browsers to log in and communicate with clients, colleagues,

and specialists, as well as to view radiographs. You can also ask for opinions

from colleagues and share additional information using the advanced

visualization tools and measurements in the Metron Web Viewer.


With the Metron Web Viewer, you can:


  • Share images with the Guided or Free Mark-Up displayed emphasizing areas of interest.
  • Add voice annotation to the image file, recording a message for your client.
  • Post reports about the study is a definite value since you can include the Guided Mark-Up table of parameters.


There are two approaches to using this feature:


Continued in METRONews


Watch for the Fall METRONews coming to your email inbox

Wednesday, October 11, 2024!



Be sure to check out METRONews.cont... for additional information regarding Metron Communications, Regulatory Compliance, the use of Collections in and e-mailing DICOM image files using Dropbox!

METRONews: Archived issues for review


December 2011

November 2011              

October 2011               

September 2011               

August 2011                 

July 2011

June 2011

May 2011                     

April 2011                      

March 2011                   

February 2011               

January 2011   




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