
Whether it is working together in our offices or sharing information across the planet, communication is fundamental to business and life.  Our methods of communication continues to evolve and technology is now leading the way.
Metron shares images and information in an ever growing variety of ways.  Our latest Metron now has a Facebook option - just click to pin an image to your practice's Facebook page.   We have click to email, click to iPad, and click to DICOM.  We also can share images and patient information with the most popular practice information management systems (PIMS). 
Our latest - want to view images on your Android phone or tablet?  Just give us a call, we will help you.  

Android Tablet?

You can now display Metron images on your favorite Android tablet or cell phone. Combining the Metron export feature with either a Google or Dropbox cloud storage account.

You can even configure Metron to auto-export to your cloud storage account. Every time you take an X-Ray and accept the image, Metron will automatically send that image to the configured cloud storage account.

If you then have an Android device that is also configured to connect to the same cloud storage account, that Android device will have access to the same image within a couple of minutes. Just click on the App Icon and start viewing.

Both Google and Dropbox rely on a "Sync" feature that in nearly real-time will replicate whatever is stored in the local Metron Export folder.

File and folder names - it is possible to create a complete client and patient folder structure for easy navigation. With this approach, you can have 1000 images visible from your Android and just scroll to the client name of interest. 

Because these images are JPEG files, they are generally 1/20 the size of the original image. If your Metron database uses 20gb of disk space, your Android option will use up only 1gb of cloud storage. Google offers 15gb free to any Gmail user.

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